Free Fonts for the New Year!

I haven’t had a chance to post anything new lately as I’m now employed full-time and have other responsibilities. I hope to still be able to update this website with more information as I just logged into my dashboard to find out that I have 50 pending comments! Surprisingly, most of it isn’t spam . . . so because of that, I’m encouraged to post something new.

For all the designers out there, I know you will agree with me when I say “You can’t have too much fonts” — so here are a few free font libraries for you to download and install . . .

I love typography

I love typography

  1. Font Squirrel (My Favorite Font Resource!)
  2. exljbris Font Foundry
  3. Free Fonts from (Note:slow-loading!)
  4. District Thin – Font
  5. (Note:lots of free fonts-very few good ones to be found)

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